RECORDING SESSION GALLERIES RECORDING “KOKODA” AT STUDIOS 301 AND SUNNY HILLS STUDIOS In 2006 I had the great privileged of recording and mixing the score for Alister Grierson’s “Kokoda”. Music by John Gray, Conducted by William Motzing. The score was recorded over 3 days at Sydney’s Studios 301. We recorded with a variety of players including many from the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. The score was recorded in 301’s large scoring stage using their Neve control room. After we completed the live recording John and I headed to my facility in Tasmania where the editing and the final mix were completed in 7 days (and nights for John). Sadly these opportunities only rarely present themselves. It was a great personal and musical experience and a project I’m exceptionally proud of…including having been a part of the tremendous team that created this classic Australian film. Kokoda at Studios 301 – Mr. Bill Motzing and members of The Sydney Symphony Orchestra Galleries